Acceptable Cracks In Concrete Slabs

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Cracks in concrete roof slab


Cracks in concrete roof slab

Some concrete cracks are no problem, but others can allow moisture to come up through the slab and damage flooring and perhaps some furnishings. Identifying the potential risks of cracking is most often an issue when you’re trying to sell or buy a home. Cracks in the concrete of your foundation or other slabs can reduce the value of your home. The concrete supplier is blaming the contractor for inadequte curing, whilst the contractor is suggesting the concrete mix was not correct. Question: Can anyone recommend any products that will seal the cracks or any solutions to this cracking problem. After sealing i would also advise that the slab be rendered with slope to facilitate faster. Is it normal to see cracks in new concrete placed over a trench for installing a french drain and sump pump in our basement? This work was completed over 30 days ago, but we see numerous cracks in the new concrete. The cracks seem to be spaced in sections, but also around the perimeters of the sections also. Cracks in Slabs on Ground ASCC Position Statement #29 Random cracking caused by drying shrinkage or thermal contraction of concrete slabs on ground is a common complaint of facility owners. They often argue that faulty design, materials, or construction must have caused such cracks. But even when plans and specifications for slabs on.

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Why does concrete crack

These cracks - no matter what the width - are rarely acceptable. Consult an engineer or concrete repair professional to determine the cause of the crack and to recommend the best repair solution. For hairline or non-structural cracks in concrete, the answer as to what’s acceptable is less clear.

Acceptable Cracking In Concrete Slabs

I was asked by owner of a newly constructed building to inspect cracks in the top of a concrete roof. The building was constructed in April this year. The cracks were noticed because after heavy rainfall water would leak through the slab and into the building. The crack widths are about 3mm thick but there are quite a number of them on the roof slab, however none appearing on the soffit. The concrete supplier is blaming the contractor for inadequte curing, whilst the contractor is suggesting the concrete mix was not correct.
Can anyone recommend any products that will seal the cracks or any solutions to this cracking problem. After sealing i would also advise that the slab be rendered with slope to facilitate faster runoff
Thanks for any input

Acceptable Flexural Crack Width in Two-way Slab?

Acceptable Cracks In Concrete Slabs Footings

Acceptable Flexural Crack Width in Two-way Slab?

Allowable Concrete Crack Width

I completed a visual review of the underside of a two-way concrete slab as part of a reserve fund study. The slab supports first floor residential space and the structure for three additional residential floors and roof above. Below the slab is a parking garage. The parking garage is below grade. The slab is supported at the perimeter by concrete foundation walls and at the interior by concrete columns, drop slab, and column capitals. Review found cracking at the underside of slab in regions of positive bending (tension side; which I know can be expected) away from columns, but some of the cracks are larger than expected (1/8' wide). Is this a function of poor crack control? Has anyone had similar experiences?